Country Landscaping,
Tea Tree.
Photography by Next50 and Owner
Country Landscaping, Alterations and Landscaping, 2019.
Back Tea Tree Road, Tea Tree, Tasmania.
country of the mumirimina people of the paredarerme nation, lutruwita
This project was a major landscape and external space intervention. The existing, key-lime green rendered home had many earlier extensions haphazardly applied. Collaborating with the owner the design process informed the extensions to be stripped back, reducing the floor area of the home but refining the quality of the connection to the landscape.
A series of white, vertical battens were placed over the existing facade on a north-south axis to create a sense of shadow, referencing the surrounding weatherboard farm sheds and sitting more comfortably in the context than the previous flat rendered surface. Two freestanding sandstone walls sit on either side of the home, connected by a series of smaller landscape moments, decks, courtyards, lawns and low garden walls.